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We provide quality of online training and corporate training courses by the real-time facility and well-trained web developers. Our AngularJS tutorial will help you to get knowledge in latest angular versions

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    AngularJS is a JavaScript open-source web application framework which can be added to an HTML page along with a tag. It is a library written in JavaScript which extends HTML attributes with directives & binds data to HTML with expressions.
    It simplifies development and testing of applications by providing a framework for client-side model–view–controller (MVC) architecture, commonly used in rich internet applications.
    Introduction to AngularJS
    What does AngularJS do for me?
    Who controls AngularJS?
    How can I get AngularJS?
    Our first AngularJS application
    A basic application
    Using angular-seed
    The pieces of the puzzle
    Two-way data binding
    How it fits together
    How much of the page is an Angular application?
    Model, View, Controller from the AngularJS Perspective
    Where Controllers fit in, and what they do, from Angular’s perspective
    Managing Scope
    Setting up Behavior
    Building a basic controller
    A more advanced controller
    How to create a model
    Explicit models
    Implicit models
    Angular’s take on the View: a little bit different
    Tying a View to a Controller
    Tying a View to a model
    Expressions are lightweight code snippets
    Expression capabilities
    The border between expressions and $eval
    Standard filters
    Writing your own filter
    Tying filters together
    What are scopes?
    What do scopes provide?
    Scope lifecycle
    Scopes as glue between controller and view
    Scope hierarchies
    Scope and events
    Angular Forms
    Angular forms vs HTML forms
    Angular form controls
    Form events
    The form controller
    Form validation
    CSS classes for form data
    Ajax, Data, and Angular
    High level interactions with servers
    Low-level server interactions with $http
    The deferred/promises API
    Teaching HTML new tricks
    Binding text and attributes
    Directive processing lifecycle
    DOM Processing
    A basic directive
    Directives and scopes
    Creating reusable directives
    Turning directives into components
    Testing in Angular
    Unit testing
    Working with Dependency Injection
    Other unit testing issues
    End-to-end testing
    Angular’s E2E testing framework
    Commands and expectations
    Controlling what happens before and after the test
    Running a scenario


    As per your requirement course we wil schedule the timings.Our support and service 24×7. The one solution to overcome hectic schedule and travelling time and achieve these goals is by joining online courses.

    Most experienced and specialized instructors will be assigned to you.